

疫情当前 裹足不前

心系一线 加油奋战

静宅在家 压力叠加


   一道门铃 惊喜降临!









A family letter

            from College Master
















4 February 2020   

Dear Muse students,

This Spring Festival was really not peaceful! Every day the escalating numbers of confirmed cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia, along with the plights of the tough work of frontline medical staff and the shortage of all kinds of supplies massively reported in the media, have been creating enormous anxiety and worry to us. As the whole country is unified with the highest priority to combat the new disease, our university has actively responded to the call and request of the government and taken a series of urgent measures to protect the health and safety of staff and students and control the spread of coronavirus outbreak, making contributions in the hope of winning the tough battle against the raging SARI pandemic disease.

It is the best time for going outdoor to enjoy the beauty of the nature as the Spring arrives. However, you are all “trapped” at home these days and cannot go anywhere. I deeply miss you at this difficult time! Although you can and should make good use of this “unexpected” holiday to read and study, and more importantly, to take this opportunity to accompany your parents, I certainly know you are getting bored and anxious as your time being stuck at home drags on and you must be earnestly hoping for getting back to the normal mode of study and life as soon as possible. To those of you who are now in Hubei Province, I especially miss and worry about you because you have to face greater anxiety, pressure and even blame every day and wonder when you and your families can get through this calamity.

Yes, I may have worried too much. Although we cannot see each other, I do see your brilliant and dexterous silhouette on WeChat.

It is you who do not forget to help others even at this difficult time. Under the guidance of Muse College teachers, you have launched the “Musing Charity – Rescue Hubei Swiftly” scheme and raised over ten thousand RMB within our college community in several hours. More impressively, you have successfully purchased the urgently needed epidemic-prevention supplies in shortage and shipped them to the hospitals in Huangshi Prefecture of Hubei Province.

It is you who have worked with the resident student associations of other colleges to jointly develop the “Stay together under the epidemic” check-in program and innovatively launch an online platform for interactive sharing of what you have been doing and thinking, enabling fellow students to send their care and encouragement to each other without going out of home.

It is you who have been highly considerate and supportive in response to the university’s request not to return to campus under the epidemic. Your selfless efforts in revising your travel itinerary and overcoming difficulty to stay at where you were certainly do bring benefits to the epidemic prevention and control battle.

Knowing your calm and courage under the current predicaments gives me abundant joy and happiness. I am fine. Our college is very quiet these days and everything is just fine as before. However, college teachers, hostel wardens and residential tutors, as well as the AVIC property management staff have been very busy recently in handling various urgent matters, verifying and reporting of student situations, and cleaning and disinfection of the public area in our college. In addition, we have created the “Stand by Me Muse 2020” WeChat group to connect and cheer up our students who are now in Hubei Province. Moreover, we will offer a variety of online activities and programs to develop and promote our college culture through internet.

Dear students, this sudden epidemic does disturb our normal mode of study, work and life, and does cause many inconveniences and disruptions for us. In particular, our final year students do face more uncertainties and anxieties in the prospects of their applications for graduate study and job hunting. Calamities are actually unavoidable variations throughout one’s life. As the old Chinese saying goes, “Good fortune follows upon disaster; disaster lurks within good fortune.” This difficult and even painful experience will certainly boost up your spiritual growth and help you better understand the meaning of life. Don’t worry about falling down, as long as you can climb up, and you will surely climb up the stairs. As Mr. Fu Lei written in his Family Letters, “Those who never had any acute and painful experience do not have profound compassion.” Therefore, I look forward with pleasure to seeing your healthy and speedy growth under wind and rain and believe you will draw a more brilliant rainbow in the future of your life. As global citizens in the globalizing world, you will be more committed with love and devotion to humanity, and uphold our college motto of “Principles and practice, dedication to humanity” to serve our country and people.

Dear students, the “snowstorm” coming menacingly at the beginning of 2020 is still raging. However, the cold winter is over and the spring has arrived, and life will revitalize vibrantly. I believe we will certainly be able to gather together joyfully in the near future on the green and vigorous lawn in Muse College.

With best wishes,

David Chen

思源公益 | 驰援湖北宿生会| 勤暖疫情·思海逸家 思廷X逸夫X学勤



活动预告| 思年味香满廷在线美味大赏
雕刻时光 | 正月十八










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