


James J. Heckman教授致辞








大学之所以是一个重要而独特的转折点,因为你将迎来一个崭新的世界,百花齐放,大开眼界。然而,自己所习得的知识才是最好的知识 。各位需要勇于探索新的想法和体验,需要仔细倾听和聆听,还需要敞开心扉去了解不同的观点,学习如何与他人交往。



思想的世界浩瀚无垠,当你敞开怀抱时,你会发现:那些有别与你的“主业”的思考方式和分析工具,不仅能够让你更好地理解和欣赏周边世界,还能够激发你自己的创造力。我曾学习过的经济学、历史、文学、物理学、数学、统计学、语言学和艺术 ,全部都曾助我一臂之力,且常常出乎我的意料。沉浸在不同的思想和创造过程中,会帮助你跳出思维定势。





解决新问题本身就是一个创造性的过程,这个过程没有具体的规则要去遵守。你们中的一些人,可能缺乏挑战权威的勇气,甚至不敢创造自己的理性论点。随波逐流,不思革新, 向来是更方便、更省事的选择,殊不知推陈出新才是创造性思维的核心源泉。尝试新事物和理解新思想可能是困难的,但最终是值得的。





James J. Heckman 

James J. Heckman's Remarks

at 2020 Inauguration Ceremony

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Prof. James J. Heckman delivers a kenote speech

Slide up to read more

President Xu, faculty, students, and guests,

I am honored to have the opportunity to welcome the class of 2024 to CUHK-Shenzhen and to offer some advice to you about going forward in your studies here and in the rest of your life. 

Attending college is an important life transition. Many of you are leaving your home or at the very least, forming a new relationship with it. You are on your own and making important decisions far more than in your secondary school years. You are making new circles of friends, meeting people with diverse backgrounds and with interests possibly very different from your own.

College gives you a rich palette of things to explore new subjects, new points of view, and new values. It also offers you the opportunity to explore yourself—explore what interests you, what you value, and what you want out of life. 

In some ways, you are like actors on a stage, exploring different roles, trying out different personas, and engaging the world in different ways. You will take from these explorations a clearer definition of yourself. We are always in the process of becoming—of learning new things, people, ideas, and values. 

College is unique and is an important transition because so much is new and eye-opening, and it all comes at the same time. The greatest knowledge you can acquire is self-knowledge. This is acquired by exposing yourself to new ideas and experiences. 

By listening and learning carefully. By opening yourself to understanding different points of view and learning how to engage with others. 

This is harder than it sounds. It is much easier to dismiss arguments out of hand, argue that somebody is not good. It requires a lot of disciplines and self-control to understand new perspectives and to reason to yourself why you agree or disagree with them.

CUHK Shenzhen offers you many opportunities to explore ideas and concepts that are unfamiliar. The broad list of courses in many fields offers real opportunities for knowledge. At this stage in your lives. You may have very definite ideas of what you want to study and how to go about it. 

But be careful in focusing too narrowly at this stage of your lives. The world of ideas is vast, vaster than you know. And you will learn, if you open yourself to it, that other modes of thinking and other tools of analysis outside whatever your “main field”  may be today  will not only illuminate your understanding and appreciation of the world, but also fuel your own creative processes.In my own field of economics, knowledge of history, literature, physics, mathematics, statistics, linguistics, and art are all proved useful, often in surprising ways. 

For example, immersion in different thought and creative processes will help you think out of the box. As F.A. Hayek, the great Nobel economist once wrote, “no one can be a good economist if he is only an economist.” The same is true for most fields. Take advantage of what CUHK-Shenzhen offers to enrich your life and thought.

Another important lesson that you should learn is how to learn. In coming here, you have moved beyond the routinized world of classroom grading and standardized testing to a world that emphasizes understanding—not just scoring well on exams. Very few problems that you will face in life, work, or even in college, come in the format of standardized exams. True knowledge is much more than sets of facts, algorithms, or procedures. They rapidly become obsolete as new knowledge is acquired.

What will not become obsolete is :How to frame new problems. How to address them systematically, including how to understand the portions of a problem with known solutions and the portions that require genuinely new understanding. For such problems, you need to learn how to lean to make valid analogies and to sweep across the field of ideas for useful hints and parallels. A deep understanding of a variety of thought processes contributes greatly to this. 

I can honestly say that I never learned anything that did not eventually contribute to my own research and creative thought. And I think they will contribute to your own understanding of the world and to oneself. And finally, you will learn how to develop the intellectual and personal strength to challenge received knowledge that you think—or know—to be wrong.  

Successfully addressing new questions is a creative process. There are no specific rules to go about it. Some of you may lack the courage to disagree with authority and to develop rational arguments of your own. It is often more convenient and less demanding to graze with the herd and not to try something new, although doing so is the central source of creative thought.

Trying new things and understanding new ideas can be hard, but it is ultimately rewarding. In doing so you should recognize that any new project may—in any attempt—fail. But learning to deal with failure is itself an essential life skill. “Nothing lost, nothing gained.”  as the old saying goes. Far better than sitting on the sidelines as only a critic. It is surely unusual for me—or any speaker at an event like this—to applaud failure. 

But please listen carefully: I am not asking you to fail. Instead, I am asking you to take the risk of learning who you really are and what you really value and to go where your true interests lead you. Failure is often a great source of knowledge if you carefully study why it occurred and what to learn from it.

So go forth, take risks, and pursue what deeply interests you. CUHK-Shenzhen is your portal to wisdom and true knowledge. Welcome and good luck.

James J. Heckman




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