
获奖作品丨第三届北林国际花园建造节 | 隐亭

北林园林资讯 XIN的景观图志


▲ “隐亭”项目概览  Project Overview of the “Invisible Pavilion”


Garden in secret--Taking bamboo as medium to talk about romance in Wei and Jin Dynasties

“隐亭”的设计灵感来源于宗白华先生:“晋人向外发现了自然,向内发现了自己的深情”,先人由外寻而内观,寻找了一方寄托“朝隐”之思的境地,将深情收敛在方寸山水里。放眼当下,生活在城市中的人们,虽不能高隐林泉,但心中亦有这份对自然的向往。“隐亭”循迹“隐于朝”的道家思想,希望给今天生活在喧嚣与忙碌中的人们一个回归本真的角落,对话内心的自己。The design inspiration of "Invisible pavilion" comes from Mr. Zong Baihua: "Jin people found nature outwardly and found their deep feeling inwardly". Ancestors looked outwardly and inwardly to find a place where they could place their thoughts of "Hidden in the Dynasty", and conversed their deep feeling in the square inch landscape. Look at the present, people living in the city, although not high hidden Lin Quan, but the heart also has this yearning for nature. The " Invisible pavilion" aims to follow the Taoist thought of "hidden in the Dynasty", hoping to give today's people living in the hustle and bustle of a return to the real corner, to talk about their inner self.


Design Concept

设计方案取独坐市井里俯仰天地间的场景为原型,以方形的质朴纯粹和结构的简单重复表达对“秘境”这一主题的诠释与追求。期望用竹与草,在庸常的物质生活之外搭起一座精神栖息地。The design scheme takes the scene between heaven and earth in a lonely market as the prototype, and interprets and pursues one of the themes of "secret world" with the plain purity of the square and simple repetition of the structure. Hope to use bamboo and grass, in addition to the ordinary material life to build a spiritual habitat.

掀起的一角,既是构筑本体对场地的回应,也可看作人的内心对外界的涵容,同时,又是诗意的自然和艺术的主体在人与自然沟通中实现的互动。This raised corner is not only the response of the body to the site, but also the connotation of the human heart to the outside world. At the same time, it is also the interaction between the poetic nature and the artistic subject in the communication between man and nature.
▲ 生于城市之心 隐于都市之间  Born in the heart of a city, hidden in the midst of it


About Form: Let Architecture Speak

对于构筑最终的形态我们并没有特意指定,或许是巢,或许是塔,或许是风铃… 见仁见智,每个到访者赋予它的不同生命便是“隐亭”的意义所在,也是生活的意义所在。For the final form of construction, we did not deliberately specify, perhaps a nest, perhaps a tower, perhaps a wind chimes...Each visitor gives it a different life, which is the meaning of "hidden pavilion", but also the meaning of life.


Structural Analysis

The original bamboo used in the "Invisible pavilion" is all quzhu, which shows more comely in its dignified form. Three main foot pillars fall to the ground with one cantilever, cooperate with two secondary bamboo pillars, supplemented by bamboo skin pull, finally make the center of gravity control in the ground inside the pentagon, the structure is stable. In this process, We fully realized the stiffness and toughness of bamboo.
▲ 隐亭悬空的一脚  The foot of the pavilion is suspended


Skin Weaving

表皮选用3cm宽轻薄竹片,以2:3的关系在骨架内外交错编织,由下往上,由密变疏,光影变化丰富。竹肉质软,在每相邻圆柱上的竹筷之间穿插加密2根,在两边交汇处以十字编织作为末端收尾,每层表皮形成稳固整体。共计使用540片竹肉,846根竹筷,全程未用其它固定材料。The skin is made of 3cm thin and light bamboo flake, which is interwoven inside and outside the skeleton in a 2:3 relationship, from bottom to top, from dense to sparse, with rich light and shadow changes. Bamboo meat is soft, and two bamboo chopsticks are inserted between each adjacent column, and cross weaving is used as the end at the intersection of both sides. Each layer of skin forms a stable whole. A total of 540 pieces of bamboo meat and 846 chopsticks were used. No other fixed materials were used in the whole process.
▲ 竹皮竹筷编织平面、剖立面图  Bamboo leather bamboo chopstick weaving plane, profile elevation
▲ 相邻圆柱上的竹筷之间穿插加密2根,竹肉固定  Relationship between bamboo chopsticks and bamboo meat

▲ 两边交汇处以十字编织作为固定  Both sides of the intersection to cross weaving as a fixed
在现场搭建中,考虑到竹子的自然特性,团队保留了每层编织延伸出的竹篾,构筑展现出更加自由不羁的生命力。In the site construction, considering the natural characteristics of bamboo, the team retains the bamboo strips extended from each layer of weaving, and the construction shows a more free and uninhibited vitality.
▲ 表皮自由生长,不羁的生命力  Epidermis grows freely, uninhibited vitality


The landscape comes from the artistic conception

在花园的意境营造上,为凸显“隐亭”的神秘与野趣,避免外来视线的一览无余,我们采用高大的景观草作为视线的遮挡,并进一步围合,引导出蜿蜒的路径空间:由纤序芒下光影绰约的入口,踏上白石子-碎竹片铺地,在寻觅的路上悄然坠入蓝花鼠尾草的烂漫花境。玲珑芒如繁星闪烁迎来了最后的拐角,慢慢的视野逐渐由奥至旷;抬头回望,已站在掀起的一角之下,来到最后的沉思空间。On the garden artistic conception of the construction, in order to highlight the Invisible pavilion "the mystery and the delight of avoid outside the line of sight of take in everything in a glance, we adopt high landscape grass as the line of sight barrier, and further to surround close, lead winding path space: by fiber sequence mans under light and graceful entrance, on the white stone floor, looking for the way quietly brilliant convex glass falling blue flower sage. Like the twinkling stars, exquisite awn ushered in the last corner, slowly the field of vision gradually widened from narrow to wide. looking back, has stood under the raised corner, came to the last meditation space.

▲ 入口在植物掩映下若隐若现,更显神秘  The entrance is hidden under the vegetation, even more mysterious
▲ 构筑后,蓝花鼠尾草与玲珑芒  After construction, Blueflower sage with Linglong awn
▲ 构筑内阅读的小朋友  Children reading inside the structure


Visual Line Analysis

隐亭具有丰富而神秘的景观视线,置身其中既可以抬头仰望星空,又可以通过竹片的缝隙窥探内部结构或外部景色。隐亭翘起的一角给外部观赏者一种“犹抱琵琶半遮面”之感,在隐亭里向外眺望,由于缝隙的宽窄变化,不同的观赏者可以看到不同的景色。Invisible pavilion has rich and mysterious landscape views, where you can either look up at the stars, or peek through the cracks of the bamboo to see the internal structure or the external scenery. The raised corner of the hidden pavilion gives external viewers a feeling of "half-veiled face". Looking out from the hidden pavilion, different viewers can see different scenes due to the width and narrow change of the gap.
▲ 由室内望向构筑后方  Look from inside to the rear of the structure


A Talk About Hidden pavilion

 “隐亭”的营建寻传统之形制,传承传统园林之精神,而并不像传统园林建筑那样依山依水。我们以城市肌理为依托,将传统材料与现代思潮相结合,用现代的设计语言诠释当代的风景建筑,营造出一个让人们可以有更多活动、更多遐思,更加积极、主动贴近自然的“城市山林”。The construction of "hidden pavilion" is based on the traditional form and structure, inheriting the spirit of traditional garden, rather than relying on the mountain and water as traditional garden architecture does. Relying on the urban fabric, we combine traditional materials with modern thoughts, interpret contemporary landscape architecture with modern design language, and create an "urban mountain forest" that allows people to have more activities, more reveries, and more active and active contact with nature.▲ 于隐亭,你可以冥想、问道、聆听、仰望和嬉戏,尽情感受他与自然交织的神秘  In the Invisible pavilion, you can meditate, ask, listen, look up and play, and enjoy the mystery of its interaction with nature.
▲ 俯仰之间  Between looking down and looking up

心若有桃花源,处处是水云间。城市喧嚣,你是否愿意在隐亭,停下匆匆脚步……If the heart has a peach garden, everywhere is between the clouds. The hustle and bustle of the city, would you like to stop in the hidden pavilion, hurried pace......
▲ 夜晚的隐亭  The hidden pavilion at night
▲ 到访的小客人  Little Visitors


construction process of team members







指导老师:郑小东 段威

小组成员:王潇然 杨柳 薛婧 张雅迪 邓牧云 张涵林 汤大为 Wala Ali Hasan Shobil






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