
Off the Beaten Track 2019 人类学暑期田野学校

爱知学者 2019-05-10

Off the Beaten Track 2019 人类学暑期田野学校





(这个暑校我参加过,非常适合fieldwork经验比较少的人去积累经验,对我自己人类学的学习和芝大研究生的申请也都有很大的帮助。有意的小伙伴可以联系sam(sam.janssen@xpeditions.be),也可以发邮件到我的邮箱zzhou429@uchicago.edu 询问详情~)

Off the Beaten Track人类学暑期学校旨在为青年人类学学生提供田野工作的机会。暑期学校位于地中海中心的马耳他戈佐岛,项目为期20天。暑期学校的老师和员工均为比利时鲁汶大学及欧美其他大学的教授和研究生。在暑期学校期间,除自行安排田野外,学生每周将获得一对一的田野工作指导,自由参加不同议题的工作坊,老师、研究生助教也将帮助学生讨论并解答其在田野中遇到的问题。






Program description

The field school runs for 20 days, during three editions in the summer of 2019 (see exact dates on the home page). The working days of the week will be reserved for fieldwork and individual guidance by our staff of academic experts and professional anthropologists.

This personally tailored setting is the framework for your own fieldwork project. The aim of the personal fieldwork in particular is to allow participants to research topics of their interest with professional help when needed.

The research and data gathering will provide you with the basis to write a research paper. This is done after the program and the process will be guided by your mentors. Your research will be published with our help and under your own authorship.


The structure of the field-school is one of open-ended pursuit of ethnographic study. Your days can then be spent either in the thick of it (chasing interviews, meetings, consultations with your supervisor) or for those students who request more direction; discussions are offered on request to place some structure around your own research: methodology, history and practice of Anthropology etc. Taking advantages of these learning situations might also be of use for anthropologists that are early on in their career. 

You will have all the resources you need at your disposal to pursue individually tailored research objectives with the assistance of your mentors.

Research Project

The focus of the program lies in the socio-cultural spectrum of anthropology and focuses on fieldwork practice. Participants are asked to develop and carry out an individual research project over the course of 3 weeks. This is always a challenge, no matter what topic you choose. Very specific topics that are heavily dependent on availability and accessibility of institutions, vulnerable or closed networks and research facilities offer more challenges. Getting access, overcoming taboo and building trust in the field are crucial for this type of fieldwork, and any research project more generally. Unless such relations can be developed prior to your presence and actual fieldwork, 3 weeks are often what it takes to overcome such (normal-in-research!) hurdles.

However, our most 'successful' participants have been those with the courage to choose mundane, accessible and seemingly simple topics as their research focus. The creativity they use to write their proposals, does not in the first place show through the literature they found, but rather through their ability to connect a mundane practice to their broader research interests.


The price of the course is 3,250.00 euros (payment plans are possible on request).

This course fee includes:
• Accommodation (apartments)
• Dinner
• Access to stock of food and drinks for breakfast and lunch
• All program related activities
• Official Attendance certificate
• Supervision with fieldwork analysis and in the write-up stages

Optional extension of the program

It is possible to extend your participation in the program by registering for two sessions. This can be done after registration. The fee for the extra session will be considerably lower, please inquire for more information.

Extending your time in the project gives you the possibility of:

  • doing more in depth data gathering (eg. for dissertation purposes)

  • participating in more projects

  • publishing more than one research paper

  • getting extra credits

  • meeting the requirements of your home university for independent study (if those requirements exceed three weeks)

Certification & credits

We provide a transcript of records at the end of the program it states up to 9 credit hours (depending on your deliverables at the end), at undergraduate, graduate or PhD level. 3 credits are provided for successfully completing the program, another 6 when you finish your paper (this is done after the field school).

An example of our transcript of records can be found in our FAQ section.

All research papers resulting from the summer school will be published under your own authorship and professionally communicated.

Directed at

The field school is directed towards young anthropologists and cultural scientists; however, any individual who would like to learn about anthropological research and fieldwork is welcome. Previous knowledge or experience is not required. We aim for a very individual program that can start at any level. Even PhD. research (or pre-research) can be included and guided. The school has a strong socio-cultural focus, but any topic can be covered in the individual program of the student.

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