
浙里启航 | “Opportunities in China and from China” — 国际生“创新宣讲会”


今年,ZIBS全球传播与管理专业(GCM)项目迎来了全球11个国家的40名本科新生。为了增进大家对创新创业中心的了解、展示中心孵化项目、鼓励国际生在中国创业与就业,11月22日,ZIBS创新创业中心在海纳居为来自GCM和ZJE的国际生举办了以 “Opportunities in China and from China” 为主题的创新宣讲会。创新创业中心主任阎淬、ZIBS助理教授Jiajia Lim、中心秘书长宋丽晶、GCM项目负责人王璐瑶、“生息”项目团队成员李昊楠出席本次活动,来自马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、菲律宾、越南、马达加斯加、比利时、 加拿大、巴布亚新几内亚多个国家的国际学生参加。

This year, the ZIBS Global Communication and Management (GCM) program welcomed 40 undergraduate students from 11 countries around the world. In order to enhance the understanding of ZIBS Innovation Center, show the achievements of Center's Incubation Projects, and encourage international students to start businesses and find jobs in China, ZIBS Innovation Center held an Innovation Event with the theme of "Opportunities in China and from China" for international students from GCM and ZJE in Hai Club on November 22.


01 In China



02 From China

最后,阎老师为大家带来“Opportunities from China”的主题演讲,运用统计数据表明东盟十国是中国最大的贸易伙伴和对外投资目的地,中国每年都与东盟举行“10+1”的对话。所以鼓励国际生毕业后在中国创业,或回国后到中资企业的海外分公司工作。精彩纷呈的演讲引起了同学们的强烈反响,现场气氛十分热烈。




Let's listen to the voice of some international students! 

Kylie Gabrielle Bnon  

GCM-2022 Indonesia

It was such a great experience to attend the ZIBS Innovation Centre Event, realizing how supportive our university is, in making innovations. All the speakers are inspiring, moreover, they give us many insights on how to start a startup, join creativity business competition, and the current global situation. The atmosphere was also very fun, chatting while having lunch. I'm looking forward to learning more about the ZIBS Innovation Centre and being part of it!

Frederick Hubert Pangestu 

GCM-2021 Indonesia

The lecture have a very interesting concept for us business student especially. The market in china is huge and this help me understand more about the chinese market and more opportunities in china that i can find and take it back or apply it to my country in Indonesia. This lecture also motivated me to do more business and open up my own business in the upcoming future after I graduate from the zhejiang university international business school!

Nguyen Thuy Duyen 

GCM-2022 Vietnam

For me, the lecture is really insightful and knowledgeable. I was really enjoyed the lecture. The most interesting part for me is the sharing part of the student about the competition. I want to know more specific about the competition as well as discuss more with the student about his feeling, point of view and so on. For the professor part, I found quite interesting for me because this is very helpful for my future career development. Overall, I still want to join more lectures like this in the future if i have a chance!

海纳江河,惟学无际。本次“Opportunities in China and from China”创新宣讲会的顺利举行,不仅让国际学生们对创新创业中心有了更深入的了解,更为国际学生在中国创业与今后就业带来了启发与方向。我们期待未来国际生们有更多的创业项目能够在中心的孵化下得到更好的发展。


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