
Redefining the Triple Helix - ZIBS Annual Academic Forum

浙大ZIBS 浙大ZIBS 2023-12-16

The 2022 ZIBS Annual Academic Forum "Redefining the Triple Helix: Technology, Business, and Education in Digital Era" is going to take place on January 5, at 14:00-20:30 (Beijing Time). Scholars form ZJU and deans from world prestigious business schools gather together to actively explore the new mission of universities by rebuilding a new triple helix model.

Focusing on digitalization in all spheres, the topics mainly include economy, intelligence business, industry-education-enterprises integration, and talent upgrading in the digital era. The forum also invites young scholars to share their interdisciplinary perspectives and insights on business development and business studies in the new paradigm.

Redefining the Triple Helix: 

Technology, Business, and Education in Digital Era


14:00-20:30, January 5, 2023


 ZIBS Forum: (14:00-16:45) 

Scan the QR code below to participate or join through VOOV ID: 596-489-568. 

 The Second Global Deans’ Forum: (19:00-20:30) 

Scan the QR code below to participate or join through ZOOM ID: 839-6500-1183 




Opening Speech

Assoc. Prof. WANG Cheng


Welcome Speech

Prof. BEN Shenglin

 Part I 

Keynote Speech


Green Finance and Sustainable Development 

Prof. QIU Ciguan


Critical Actors to Sustain eSports Industry in China

Dr. ZHAO Yupei

 Part II 

The Integration of Academia and Industry in the New Business Era


Does Customer Email Engagement Improve Profitability? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Subscription Service Retailing

Asst. Prof. WANG Yiwei


Cluster Status and New Venture Creation

Asst. Prof. LUO Lingli 


Collaboration as a Structural Aspect of Proactive Social Sustainability: the Differential Moderating Role of Distributive and Procedural Justice

Asst. Prof. Jiajia LIM


The Behavioral Theory of Entrepreneurial Universities: the Antecedent and Contingency of Slack-rich Entrepreneurship

Dr. LIANG Tian


Launching of ZIBS Doctoral Student Forum


2022 ZIBS Research Achievements

Asst. Prof. LEI Linan


Annual Research Sharing by International Research Center for Fintech Security

Prof. WEN Wu

 Part III 

University-industry Collaboration and Commercialization 


Introduction to the 2022 Internationalization Index of Chinese POEs

Assoc. Prof. WAN Feng


Introduction to the 2022 Bank Internationalization Index

Asst. Prof. LI Yuanqi


Introduction to the Early Risk Warning System for Outward Chinese POEs

Dr. ZHOU Dong

 Part IV  

The Second Global Deans’ Forum


New Business Studies/School:the Role of Science, Education, and Industry

Chairs: Prof. WEN Wu


1. Geoffrey Garrett, Dean of USC Marshall School of Business

2. Dan LeClair, CEO of GBSN

3. Andrew Rose, Dean of NUS Business School


1. Didi Achjari, Dean of School of Economy and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

2. Nick Barniville, Former Associate Dean at ESMT

3. BEN Shenglin, Dean of Zhejiang University International Business School

4. John Finch, Dean of Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow

5. Modimowabarwa Kanyane, Dean of Business School, Venda University

6. Sanjeev Khagram, Director-General & Dean of Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University

7. Léon Laulusa, Executive Vice-President, Dean for Academic Affairs and International Relations at ESCP Business School

8. Giuliano Noci, Vice Rector for China at Polimi

9. Steven Roberts,Dean of College of Business and Economics, Australia National University

10. Raul V. Rodriguez,Vice-president of Woxsen University

11. José Manuel Martínez Sierra, General Director of the UPF Barcelona School of Management

*Sorted by Last Name


编辑|陈槭丽莎 徐凡



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