
Save the Date for ZIBS Second Global Deans' Forum

浙大ZIBS 浙大ZIBS 2023-12-16

With digital technology sweeping the world, industrial transformation and management innovation have changed the dynamics of business competition in new era. Meanwhile, reform in higher education has also been a catalyst for uncovering the challenges that traditional business schools have to face. Taken together, leaders of business school must answer the needs the business community clearly articulates.

At 7 p.m. January 5th, on the theme of "New Business Studies/School:the Role of Science, Education, and Industry", the 2nd ZIBS Global Deans’ Forum will take place online, where deans from 14 global business schools of 11 different countries get together to share their thoughts on leveraging the power of technology, business and education and thus reinventing business schools in digital era.

New Business Studies/School:the Role of Science, Education, and Industry


19:00-20:30, January 5, 2023


Scan the QR code below to participate or join through ZOOM ID: 839-6500-1183 




Geoffrey Garrett

Dean of Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

Dan LeClair

CEO of Global Business School Network (GBSN)

Andrew Rose

Dean of NUS Business School


Didi Achjari

Dean of School of Economy and Business, Gadjah Mada University

Nick Barniville

Former Associate Dean of ESMT

BEN Shenglin

Dean of Zhejiang University International Business School

John Finch

Dean of Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow

Modimowabarwa Kanyane

Executive Dean: Faculty of Management, Commerce & Law, University of Venda

Sanjeev Khagram

Director-General & Dean of Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University

Léon Laulusa

Executive Vice-President, Dean for Academic Affairs and International Relations at ESCP Business School

Giuliano Noci

Vice Rector for China at Milan University of Technology

Steven Roberts

Dean of College of Business and Economics, Australia National University

Raul V. Rodriguez

Vice-president of Woxsen University

José Manuel Martínez Sierra

General Director of the UPF Barcelona School of Management

Moderator: WEN Wu

Professor, Zhejiang University International Business School

*Sorted by Last Name


编辑|陈槭丽莎 徐凡



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